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Unlock your hidden genius to be a more effective leader 

Unlock your hidden genius to be a more effective leader 

August 30, 2024

In this episode of The Beacon Podcast, Lighthouse Counsel Content Coordinator Margaret Gardner talks with Polina Pompliano, author of the book “Hidden Genius: The secret ways of thinking that power the world’s most successful people” and founder of The Profile, a media organization that studies successful people and companies.

In their discussion, Polina:

  • Explains the concept of hidden genius and how it pertains to leadership
  • Shares thoughts on some surprising insights she gained from her interviews
  • Outlines three top takeaways for unlocking hidden genius

About our guest

Before starting The Profile, Polina spent five years at Fortune magazine, where she covered technology and venture capital. 

As the author and editor of Term Sheet, Fortune’s industry-leading dealmaking newsletter, Polina interviewed the industry’s most influential dealmakers, including Melinda Gates, Steve Schwarzman, Richard Branson and more.

After five years of writing The Profile, she has studied thousands of the most successful and interesting people in the world and examined how they reason their way through problems, unleash their creativity and perform under extreme pressure.

Connect with Polina on LinkedIn
Hidden Genius
The Profile