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Lighthouse Counsel’s 15th Anniversary Nonprofit Tips for 2014!

Lighthouse Counsel’s 15th Anniversary Nonprofit Tips for 2014!

January 28, 2014
Lighthouse Counsel

Our team works diligently to provide vital counsel and direction to nonprofits, shining as a fixed point of light as they focus on transforming lives for the better.

As we commemorate our 15th anniversary of service this year, we wanted to share some tips for nonprofits in 2014.

Continually safeguard ethics. Don’t be afraid to speak up as a volunteer or
staff member when you see something that is or seems like it might be
inappropriate. —Jeff Jowdy

Take a look at your donor records and make a resolution to reconnect with at
least 10 lapsed donors each quarter. —Kathy Gaston

When you don’t know where you are going, the last thing you want to do is get there in a hurry! Strategically plan, and assess everything. —Dave Muia

Please pick up the phone or go have a coffee! Make a resolution to spend more one on one time with your donors and prospects this year, saying thank you and giving them updates. We make our jobs infinitesimally harder by only calling when we need something. —Lou Anne Dulaney

Make no less than two calls a month on people who have the potential to leave your organization an estate gift. —Doug Goodfellow

Think of new ways to acknowledge your donors—go the extra mile to reach out to them, especially those you know well. It is especially meaningful when you demonstrate interest in areas of their lives that may have little or nothing to do with their relationship to your organization. —Deb Dietzler

Study and understand the power of social media. The power to quickly grow momentum and support for an idea or cause is at your fingertips through the strategic use of social media. —Yolanda Darville

Don’t take shortcuts – successful, sustainable fundraising requires the
right strategy, the right people, the right implementation, and time. Invest in the right steps and in serious relationship building and you will find incredible results. —Jeff Jowdy

Compelling images are more powerful than clever words – especially in the age of social media. Make it a practice of taking pictures related to your cause and share those photos! —Yolanda Darville

Always recruit campaign volunteers face-to-face, never over the phone, with a letter or an e-mail. —Doug Goodfellow

Leadership leaks. Set the example with your time, talent and treasure that you want others to follow. —Susan Andrews

Be sure to watch your language! While management and fundraising jargon seems to provide you with professional zeal, it can actually confuse others. Always check if you are expressing your thoughts in a clear, everyday language, appropriate to your donor. —Ivana Pelnar-Zaiko

Always ask yourself if you can simplify your message. Whether it’s an appeal letter or you website, a simple message is more effective than a complicated one any day. —Yolanda Darville


Lighthouse Counsel